The Enclave neighborhood is one of the smaller neighborhoods in Tanoan East, Albuquerque, New Mexico. It has 42 homes built in the mid 1990s by Centex, an Albuquerque home builder. The neighborhood offers a variety of features such as tile roofs, wood cabinetry, granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, vaulted ceilings, and views of the golf course. Find homes for sale in Tanoan
Range of Home Features¹
¹Home features will vary per household.
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There are four grocery stores within approximately 5 minutes, including Whole Foods, Smith’s Food & Drug and Alberton’s Market.
Just southwest of the neighborhood is the Tanoan Country Club along with the Raman Trail to the east. The trail connects you to Quintessence Park, Jay Yogeshwar Trail, Heritage Hills Park, and North Pino Trail.
The approximate mortgage payment² based on the 2023 average sales price in the The Enclaves neighborhood is $4,885. Find homes for sale in Tanoan
²Approximate mortgage payment is based on a 5% down payment, 7% interest rate, estimated mortgage insurance, homeowners insurance and estimated property taxes.
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